Social value.

Everyone who works with Digi2al must feel valued, trusted and psychologically safe whilst at work. We welcome differences. We are brave in having tricky conversations to tackle unconscious bias.


Our self-organising teams empower individuals to be independent. Our culture is different and the style won’t suit everyone. We work hard, support and challenge each other, and strive every day to learn and improve. 

Everyone has the capability and opportunity to lead, and everyone follows and helps when asked. Our flat organisational structure values empowerment, integrity and transparency with each other and our clients, and empowers people to speak up and contribute.

This document builds on the words above, and aims to set out Digi2al’s current position. It will be routinely updated to reflect emerging societal impacts and covers the following aspects of social value:

  • Fighting Climate Change

  • Covid 19 recovery

  • Tackling economic inequality

  • Equal opportunity

  • Wellbeing

Fighting climate change

Our lifestyles have a profound impact on our planet. Our choices matter. To preserve a livable climate, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced to net-zero by 2050. Every one of us can help limit global warming and take care of our planet. 

At Digi2al we are actively making choices that have less harmful effects on the environment so that we can be part of the solution and influence change. 

Digi2al has deliberately been developed from inception in 2013 as a cloud-first and digital by default company. We use contemporary tools to allow our teams to work effectively either in a hybrid or fully remote way. The benefits of this strategy is to significantly lower our carbon emissions, enable organisational agility and generate savings which reduce our overall client charges. All of the infrastructure we use to deliver our services is part of the circular economy, rented from world-leading organisations with strong commitments to carbon reduction and social value.

On a tactical level, each day we make countless decisions, from the electricity we use, the food we eat and the way we travel that contributes to a healthier planet. 

We believe our small actions can make a big difference so whilst delivering our services we will:

  • Consider how we travel - aim to walk, bike or take Public transport over private vehicles.

  • Consider our use of energy - save energy at the office, share facilities and turn off. 

  • Consider how we sustain ourselves - throw away less food, choose eco-friendly and reusable products, and consume more mindfully.

Digi2al is working through the auditing and measurement of our 2022 carbon reduction plan. Our intention is to commit to being carbon negative, by investing in environmental development schemes, by 2025.

Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 has impacted all our lives. For Digi2al it's important that we support our people and communities to manage and recover from the impacts of COVID-19, including those worst affected or who are shielding.

Many people have experienced reduced mental health as well as a reduction in well-being, making not only work a challenge but in some cases simply existing a struggle. 

We are supporting the physical and mental health of our people affected by connecting them to relevant support services (mental health, financial support, medical support), enabling workplace adjustments (flexible working) and creating an open and safe forum to discuss challenges to demonstrate they’re not alone. 

We actively encourage physical activity and provide opportunities for coaching and mentoring. Our whole-person approach promotes positive mental health and supports people living with mental illness to recover and live well.

Tackling economic inequality

We want to enable people to thrive so we will continue to create employment opportunities. We will invest in the development of our HQ team making it diverse (40% are women, 80% are working parents, ages range from 25 - 62 years, 40% are military leavers) and removing barriers to equality. 

We partner with a training provider, Multiverse, to set the conditions for apprentices to leave school and find credible careers in the Technology Sector, providing a platform for people to apply for roles regardless of location, qualifications, nationality or age. Multiverse also seeks out areas with high percentages of free school meals and actively supports those communities with apprenticeships.

Equal opportunity

As an employer Digi2al is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity. This means that no employee or applicant will be treated less favourably on the grounds of their sex, marital status, race, nationality or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, working practices or whether they have HIV and/or AIDS. 

We also believe that equality of opportunity is vital so that all employees have a fair and equal chance of developing their abilities and realising their expectations, to make full and effective use of their potential. It is the Government Actuary’s Department’s aim to create a working environment free from discrimination and harassment based on respect and to enable employees to successfully balance home and work commitments.


Our people are everything, so we work hard to support them in living a positive and intrinsically valuable life. Through our challenging yet rewarding work on public services, we hope our people find value in making UK citizens’ lives better. 

We promote positive well-being and support our teams in achieving their desired goals. Through connecting socially we foster a sense of belonging whilst developing meaningful relationships founded on trust. By attainment of greater knowledge, our people experience greater fulfilment, so we actively encourage progression using a structured approach to learning and development. All of which will contribute to an individual's pleasure and happiness whilst at work.